
Training of Trainers

It is recommended that trainers of the Tejas LEE receive formal training from the authors of the assessment. Training of Trainer (TOT) sessions are offered periodically. TOTs provide individuals with information about the administration of the Tejas LEE and our progress monitoring tools. Information is also provided so that those attending a TOT can properly train teachers in their district and/or additional trainers.

The TOT training is geared towards those individuals who will be training others on administering the Tejas LEE, MPLP and/or MPLE and have not yet received training. In addition, sessions on grouping and using the intervention activities guide will be included.

The Tejas LEE Pro session is a one day training designed for individuals who have already attended the TOT training and who wish to deepen their knowledge of the Tejas LEE. The PRO training includes sessions on the Tejas LEE Experienced Teachers Module; Tejas LEE and RtI; Analyzing Tejas LEE Data at the School and District Level and Tejas LEE Make and Take Modules.

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Teacher Training

Several Texas Educational Service Centers and districts have individuals who have received training from the authors of the Tejas LEE. Be sure to check with your ESC or district for trainings that may be available to you.

Additionally, a member of the Tejas LEE development and training team will come to your district or campus and train teachers directly. This type of training can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Training costs include mailing of pre-training materials, all participant materials, and costs of trainer time and travel. Please contact to make arrangements.