Frequently Asked Questions
The questions below represent some of the most common questions we receive. If you have a question that is not listed below, or need additional information, please email us. Please revisit this section as we often update it with more questions and answers.
General Questions
What are the major differences between the 2006-2010 and 2010-2014 versions of the Tejas LEE?
There are several new components to the Tejas LEE. The most consistent change is the replacement of all items and stories at each grade level. Some tasks were removed from the 2008-2010 version and new tasks added to align with student performance in the new pilot sample. The previous version of the Tejas LEE was piloted in 2003-2004. The 2010-2014 version has been updated to align with the increased performance levels of students since that time. Learn more.
Is the Tejas LEE a translation?
The Tejas LEE is not a translation of an English instrument. All of the test items and stories within the Tejas LEE were developed in Spanish.
Should all Spanish speaking students be tested with Tejas LEE?
Not all students who speak Spanish as a first language should be administered a Spanish early reading instrument. The Tejas LEE is designed to be administered to students who are receiving their primary reading instruction in Spanish.
The Reading Instruments Guide for Texas Public Schools and School Districts included the following guidelines concerning the use of Spanish early reading instruments: 1). A student of limited English proficiency (LEP) enrolled in a Spanish/ Bilingual education program and receiving instruction in Spanish, will be administered a Spanish instrument; and 2). A student in a dual language/two-way bilingual program who is more proficient in Spanish than English should be administered a Spanish instrument.
When should a student be administered an English instrument?
If the student is receiving reading instruction primarily in English, an English instrument may be more effective in providing data for instructional planning. If the student is in an English as a Second Language (ESL) program or a general education classroom where English is the language used for reading instruction, an English instrument will yield the most useful information about current skills and instructional needs. If the Tejas LEE is administered at the beginning of the year, then it should also be given at the end of the year to allow the teacher to assess progress and gains accurately. An English assessment may also be given, in addition to the Tejas LEE, if the teacher would like to assess the student's English language skills.
How should I select the level of the Tejas LEE to use with a student?
Always begin testing with the level of Tejas Lee that corresponds to the student's current grade level. However, if you do not feel that you obtained sufficient information to determine a student's instructional needs from the grade level inventory, it is allowable to use a level that is lower than the student's grade placement.
Is it possible to use the Tejas LEE with secondary students?
The Tejas LEE was designed for students in grades K-3.
Can Tejas LEE be used for Special Needs students?
You may use accommodations for students with special needs during administration of Tejas LEE. Decisions about accommodations should be made on an individual basis, taking into consideration the needs of the student, and whether the student routinely receives the accommodation during classroom instruction. A student with an Individual Education Plan or an instructional plan developed by a Section 504 committee may use the following accommodations:
- Instructions may be signed for hearing impaired student.
- A student may place a colored transparency over any part of the inventory.
- A student may use a place marker.
- A student may spell words aloud in place of writing them. The teacher or a scribe should record the student's responses.
- A student may use any other accommodation that is a routine part of his/her reading, writing, or spelling instruction.
What Reading Concepts are assessed in Tejas LEE?
See Skills Assessed.
How is student performance scored?
Is training necessary to administer Tejas LEE?
Yes, Tejas LEE training is highly recommended to ensure appropriate administration and accurate results when using the Tejas LEE. See Training for more information regarding available training options.
How do I purchase Tejas LEE Materials?
See How to Order.
What is the relationship between the Tejas LEE and the TPRI?
Both the Tejas LEE and the TPRI were developed for the purpose of providing educators with instruments that fulfill the early reading assessment requirement established by the Federal No Child Left Behind Legislation, and by the Texas Education Code 28.006. Because of their common focus on early reading skill and comprehension development, the Tejas LEE and TPRI do share some similar tasks and formats as well as a similar administration schedule.
How do the Tejas LEE and the TPRI differ?
The Tejas LEE is not a translation of the TPRI, nor is it simply a Spanish version of the TPRI. The most important difference between the two instruments is that they do not assess exactly the same set of reading skills. The Tejas LEE captures significant skills and steps in the development of Spanish reading. In addition, each the Tejas LEE and the TPRI were developed and piloted on different populations of students. Therefore, it is not possible to compare results from the TPRI with results from the Tejas LEE. The Tejas LEE should be used only to examine student performance in Spanish and to plan Spanish reading instruction.
Assessment/Administration Specific
How long will it take to administer the Tejas LEE to a student?
There is no set answer to this question as it really is dependent upon the grade level being administered and the skill level of the student. The branching rules on the Tejas LEE were developed to maximize administration time and minimize student frustration. In many areas, the tasks are ordered by difficulty and the branching rules allow the teacher to skip sections that the that the student will not be likely to complete based on their performance on easier tasks. Furthermore, the spelling (Grades 1-3) task can be administered to the entire class at one time. On average, a teacher can expect the assessment to take approximately 25 minutes per student.
In Grades 1-3 can I administer the "Dictado (Spelling)" section to the whole class at once?
Yes, in first, second and third grade, the "Dictado (Spelling)" section can be given to a whole class at one time. Individual results can then be recorded on the Individual Student Record Sheets (Folleto de Respuestas del Estudiante).
What should I do if a student misreads the same word more than once while reading a story for comprehension?
Count each mis-reading of the word within the story as incorrect. Do not give the student the correct pronunciation.
If a student scores "Nivel Esperado", how do I interpret their performance to plan instruction?
A student who scores "Nivel Esperado" on any section of the Tejas LEE is not developed nor do they need intervention. This student is on track for being developed by the end of the school year. Districts should monitor progress of these students, particularly those who scored at the lower end of "Nivel Esperado" cut-points, as these students are the ones who are at greater risk of falling behind. The best way to describe this is to be "alert", but not "worried". For more information, please see – Student Performance Levels
How do I calculate the Porcentaje de estudiantes NI (Percentage of class NI) on the class summary sheet?
The Porcentaje de estudiantes NI can be calculated by dividing the "Number of students who scored NI in each column by the total number of students assessed in the class. The result will be a decimal. Move the decimal two places to the right to determine the percentage of students that are NI. It is only necessary to calculate this number for the columns on the class summary sheet where the last two rows are not blocked out. If the last two boxes are blocked out, students are not expected to have yet mastered this skill and no intervention is required for this skill at this time point.
How do I calculate the Overall Score for Reading Comprehension in grades 1, 2 and 3?
Please see the Reading Comprehension section on Resources for Teachers.
Why is there a Listening Comprehension section in Kindergarten but not in first grade?
Each grade level of the Tejas LEE addresses skills that are expected to be developed as the various time points measured. In the new version of the Tejas LEE, the first grade stories at BOY are significantly simpler and shorter than any first grade stories in the past. In the pilot study, the majority of first graders were able to read and comprehend these much shorter and simpler stories at BOY. Because reading comprehension is the ultimate focus of the first grade assessment, listening comprehension, which represents a different skill set (oral language) was not included. Because many students in Kindergarten were not able to read short text prior to the end of the school year, listening comprehension is provided.
It is important to note the distinction between these two very different skills of reading and listening comprehension. Oftentimes, when listening or reading of the same piece of text is allowed, comprehension scores (whether reading or listening) are viewed as being similar, when in fact they are not. In general, in the earlier years, many students will perform at higher levels on listening than reading comprehension tasks.
Questions from Parents
What is the Tejas LEE?
The Tejas LEE is a tool to help teachers K-3 to quickly assess the early reading skills of students. Teachers may use the results of this inventory to group students according to theirs strengths and weaknesses so that instruction and curriculum may be adjusted to meet needs an individual student, small groups of students, or whole class instruction. Specifically, the purposes of Tejas LEE:
- To provide a Spanish reading instrument for school districts.
- To detect early reading difficulties or risk of reading difficulties in Spanish reading at an early level, in grades K-3.
- To provide a summary of reading skills and comprehension which teachers can use in planning individual and / or group instruction.
School districts in Texas may use Tejas LEE to fulfill the requirements of the Texas Education Code 28.006, which requires an early reading inventory for each child in the state.
Who gets tested and when?
All students in grades K-3 grades, whose primary language of instruction is Spanish may be tested with the Tejas LEE Spanish reading assessment instrument. Students are typically tested once in the fall, winter, and spring of each year.
The final decision regarding who is tested using the Tejas LEE and when is made at the student's school. Your students school can tell you if your student will complete the Tejas LEE and on what dates.
Is the Tejas LEE a test?
The Tejas LEE is most accurately described as an assessment inventory. Children do not receive a grade for their performance. Teachers administer the Tejas LEE as a tool to assist in identifying reading strengths and difficulties. With the results from the Tejas LEE, teachers can better plan instruction for individual students.
Can I see the results for my child?
In Texas, state law requires that school districts report your child's score to you. If you have any further questions about the results, simply contact your child's teacher.